Allegory of the Cave: As Yet Untold
It’s like 1997 or something and I’m on my belly watching Aladdin on my Granny’s living room floor. The carpet has a weird smell and texture of something that’s been doused in carpet cleaner repeatedly but never really dried all the way. It’s kind of stiff so I like digging my fingertips in it while I watch—it leaves an imprint until I sweep it away with my whole hand. Anyway, it’s the scene where the Cave of Wonders is collapsing and they all jump on Carpet to escape. Lava is shooting up all around them and the walls are falling- and then! Carpet makes a sharp twist and they fly up through the Tiger’s mouth just in time! Was Aladdin in control, or was it Carpet? I liked the adrenaline rush of watching that scene over and over. I press rewind on the VCR again and again. The winding sound is so satisfying.